Discover resources available to our donor families for honoring loved ones who shared the gift of life.

Organ Recovery

Organ donation is a field that combines the best of high tech and high touch. Some of the greatest medical advancements have made organ donation a successful treatment for end-stage organ failure, yet transplants would not be possible without the generosity of organ donors and their families. Our organ recovery team reflects this, balancing incredible medical knowledge with compassion and care for families.

The organ donation process begins with a call from one of our hospital partners notifying Donor Network of Arizona (DNA) of the imminent death of a patient. Upon referral, an organ recovery services coordinator will, in most cases, travel to the hospital to begin the process of determining what organs may be acceptable for donation.

If the patient has made the choice during his or her lifetime to register as an organ, tissue and eye donor, our team counsels and supports the donor’s family as we honor the donor’s decision to share life. If the patient has not made a decision, the patient’s family is invited to make the choice about donation on their loved one’s behalf.

Once donation is authorized and, prior to recovery of organs, additional information is gathered and tests are conducted. These tests are to ensure that donated organs are safe to transplant. During this time, surgical recovery is scheduled.

Organ recovery takes place in an operating room at the donor hospital. Organs are recovered by surgeons, generally from the hospital that will be transplanting the donor organ(s). The donated organs are then transported to the hospital where the transplant will take place.

Thanks to the generosity of donors and their families, organ donation saves tens of thousands of lives across the U.S. each year. DNA is honored to be entrusted with these precious gifts as we realize Arizona’s potential for saving and healing lives every day.

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