Discover resources available to our donor families for honoring loved ones who shared the gift of life.

Continuing Family Support

DNA continues to honor donors and donor families long after our initial meeting at the hospital or via telephone. We come to know families at times of sadness, crisis, tragedy and death. These donor families have demonstrated incredible generosity in offering to make lifesaving and life-healing choices to help others in need. We take our direction from the generosity and example that families have set before us.

For at least two years, DNA continues to communicate with families through their time of grief. Our Donor Family and Advocate Services Department invites families to different memorial events that provide comfort, as well as the opportunity for families to remember and share stories of their loved ones.

It is important to remember that donation is completely about a decision of generosity made to help others. In some cases, we may not be able to proceed to recovery, or even after recovery, we may not be able to proceed to transplantation. When an individual registers as a donor or a family says yes to donation, we remember and honor them fully as donors. We use the phrase “willing donor” to describe those who have offered to help, even when recovery and transplantation will not take place. We are thankful for the decision made and the impact on the mission of saving and healing lives.

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