Discover resources available to our donor families for honoring loved ones who shared the gift of life.

Sample Letters

Dear Donor Family, 

We have received the wonderful gift that you and your loved one so unselfishly gave. This gift is like no other we have received in this lifetime or that we’ll ever receive. We know that thoughtful, caring and loving people made the gift possible. We can only express our deepest gratitude and always keep you in our thoughts and prayers. While we may not know you, we know things about you that many around you will never see. We understand that light and love in you are much deeper than one could imagine. We have cried tears for you. We will always remember you and your loved one, and in our remembering, we will be called to always act to our highest good. We have known the best we can be – you have modeled it for us. We will live in gratitude for your absolute and inconceivable generosity.

In deepest gratitude,
Your Recipient


Dear Donor Family,

We welcomed your letter with open arms. We could only imagine the pain your family went through during your terrible loss. We are very sorry for all that you have endured. It saddened us even more because our daughter was the same age. 

My husband’s biggest goal was to see his only child married. Our daughter was married last Mother’s Day and my husband was in his glory walking her down the aisle. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the room when he danced with her.

Thank you doesn’t seem to say enough, but “Thank you” for raising a son who knew what his gift would mean to others.

Your grateful recipient


Other Starting Points:

  • When your life is saved due to someone else’s precious gift, there are no words to express your gratitude. Please know I will always cherish the gift and remember your loved one.
  • One person can make a difference. Your loved one did. With sincere appreciation,
  • Thank you for the gift of life. Without your family’s generosity in a time of grief, I would not be able to…
  • Words cannot express my gratitude for the gracious gift your loved one has given me. My life is forever changed. Thank you.
  • Without the precious gift your loved one so thoughtfully gave, I would not be able to…  My sincerest thank you.
  • I don’t know if my gratitude can help your healing, but I want you to know how your loved one saved my life.
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